Todays entry is less of a list and more of a photo montage. These ten photos may not be stellar visual specimans but each one evokes a memory of a unique moment in the past decade. Well, more fittingly from the past five years since the advent of digital photography has made the capture of moments all the more convenient and cost effective.
Trekking the Inca Trail - 2002
Departing for Australia with Kirsten - 2003
Crossing into Laos across the Mekong - 2003
Sampling the delights of the Barossa Valley - 2004
Enjoying the view along the Icefields Parkway - 2005
Fun with the girls at Heather's wedding - 2005
Hiking with Chris in Golden - 2005
With my Spanish teach Apa at the markets in Guatemala - 2005
Watching the sunset in Nicaragua - 2006
With my mom in Nicaragua on our volcanic climb - 2006
At Salon Tecun in Guatemala with my Spanish school friends - 2007
Okay, so that was technically 11. But all good times.
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